adriano killed souL with ak47
shiCk dropped
Type /lan to choose your Internet Connection!
crazyA killed |^snoop3r^| with ak47
Kicked by Console
] retry
Commencing connection retry to
Connecting to
Connection accepted by
* Privileges set
Server # 5
cRy : da
adriano connected
adriano is joining th
*DEAD* souL : de unde ma stiai adriano?
Pentru cereri slot/admin/unban vizitati
n3bu killed Player with m4a1
*Se dau admine , Pentru mai multe detalii vizitati
Type 'amx_langmenu' in the console to display a menu where you can choose your language
* Jucatorii cu ping mai mare de 105 vor primi kick !
shiCk is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
*** n3bu killed oddee with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*DEAD* souL : ai glob?
*** <-JonnY-> killed n3bu with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*DEAD* adriano : de ce plm ai dat kick ma?
AKy killed crazyA with m4a1
Type 'amx_help' in the console to see availa
<-JonnY-> killed AKy with m4a1
Time Left: 17:07 min. Next Map: aim_map
Zaur 15 RUS dropped
cRy killed Ramy with ak47
[Harlau-Gaming] Scrie /resetscore in chat sa-ti resetezi scorul la 0
oSiriS^ connected
*DEAD* souL : vrei si destroy de ala ?
Kicked :"Banned for 100 minutes"
You have been banned from this server.
You have been banned from this server.
You have been banned from[i]
Mda ... jucam de dust 2 intra soul pe poarta de la baza ct si se ascunde dupa cutie vad merg exact la el si il brusc ma trezesc cu kick...intru din nou si fiind putin nervos il intreb de ce ,,plm" dai kick....imi da bann pentru limbaj 100 de minute. nu conteaza ca trec 100 de minute....dar nu inteleg de ce kick????daca suspectezi pe cineva fa frate poze, pune blind...asa procedezi tu cu cei suspecti???